Saturday, May 28, 2011

Today was a day I knew would come, but I thought it would have been years from now and from a child at school. An acquaintance actually came up to my son and I to say hello and then proceeded to say "He has a lazy eye?", in shock I could not respond. So, she proceeded to say the words again "He has a lazy eye?"... I had to just walk away. I have never felt rage like that in my life, I cried for the rest of the day thinking of how Michael will be treated from uneducated people in this world. To top this off, these were the words of a teacher who works in Sarasota.. a teacher. Seriously, who would say that to a mother???


  1. Please have him examined by a good eye doctor..An Optometrist can do this. My son is a doctor in Wake Forest, NC. He has made mission trips to Central and South America.
    He has shown me many of the terrible lack of care f or those who can be helped.
    One young boy had a lazy eye...which seemed to be turned to the right. Kevin always takes his equipment....and many glasses....which have been measured for the prescription for the original owner....(Patients contribute those glasses which have been replaced.) Our son, Jeff is the optical manager and he makes the trip to select the correct prescription glasses for the one in need.

    The young boy I mentioned...this is on video tape...his right eye turned to the right..... once the glasses are place on him....that eye immediately turns straight.... The boy hugged my sons.....and was so happy....he and his parents came out of the jungle in Mayan Indians.....

  2. I so wish my sons eye issue was a lazy eye (amblyopia), but my sons issues are far more devastating. My son had stage 3 ½ retinopathy of prematurely and received laser treatment from a pediatric ophthalmologist at ACH. The doctor was not a specialist in retinopathy, so the surgery went very bad and left him blind in his left eye. His eye also stopped growing.. the correct term for Michael’s condition is Anterior Segment Ischemia following laser therapy for threshold Retinopathy of Prematurity. After researching for over a year, I do believe Dr. Audina M Berrocal at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute is the best Retinopathy of Prematurity specialist in the US. Michael also receives a weekly vision teacher from the Division of the Blind services.

    I hope one day my son will give back like yours. If your sons know of any specialist who might be able to help or give advice I would be so appreciative.

    Devine Appointments :o)
