Friday, September 7, 2012

Michael had a great 3rd Birthday!
School went well and all the kids enjoyed the cupcakes! All his new friends seem so nice and one tough boy in the class is just the truth of life. Michael is happy and we are so very proud of him!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Happy 3rd Birthday Michael!!
His day stared with an in house soccer game before I sadly had to take him back to school (day 3).
Yesterday Michael cried when we dropped him off and it broke my heart. Then when we went to pick him up I was peeking in the class room when I watched a boy push him down, the aid did scold the boy… but not enough in my opinion! This is so hard, Michael is so sweet and doesn’t understand this behavior. I hope he had a better day today, I hope the Cars cupcake party helped his day to be a little more fun.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Michael surprised JL & I with being just fine and happy to walk away with his new teacher with just a “by Mom”. Not a tear, we were so proud. When we went back to pick him up he came out with swollen eyes! The teacher said he had a great day until nap time, apparently he did not want to sleep and he looked like he cried the entire time. Michael has never taken a nap in any other place then his own room, we felt so bad. I sent a nap time idea list for the teacher and we are hoping it helps :o(

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Michael is days away from turning 3 & going to school!!! He was excepted into the VE program at a great local school. Michael will be receiving OT 3 times a week, speech 3 times a week & a vision teacher twice a week. There are six boys in his class with one teacher and one aid, both seem wonderful. I think Michael will have a great time and will grow so much by being with other children his age. I am sad for me, but very excited for him :o)