Saturday, December 18, 2010

How did we ever get so lucky???

Monday, December 13, 2010

Baby-in-a-bag!! This one is for my Dad!!

This year will start a new path with Michael's eye issue. I haven't written much about it, I
was trying so hard to find an answer. Well we have one, Anterior Segment Ischemia following laser therapy for retinopathy of prematurity. Basically he is blind in one eye and it is now smaller in size and there is not a surgery that can repair his eye or sight. All the damage was caused by the ROP laser surgery Michael received on 12-31-09.
I know it is the most difficult time when your preemie is in the NICU and you are so unsure about so many procedures. But, PLEASE learn this lesson from me... ROP laser treatment is not a simple precautionary surgery as I was told by the pediatric ophthalmologist. ROP laser surgery is extremely precise and should only be done by a ROP specialist.
We may need to use scleral shells to keep his bone growth correct around the smaller eye. We pray that his eye does not completely stop growing, but most likely this is the road we will be taking.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

1 year ago today Michael came home!! We are so thankful for his life and how far we have come!! 12-11-10
Thank you so much Lynne, Stephanie, Marlene, Liz & Ana Maria. We are forever grateful :o)

Sunday, December 5, 2010

A cold day in Florida :o)
11mo adjusted/ 15mo old!!
We are going back to Bascom Plamer tomorrow for another eye exam...

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!! 2010

Wow, Michael is getting so big!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

My Little Sunshine!!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Michael's 1st haircut!! 10mo adjusted, 14mo old!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Happy Halloween Michael!!

Papi and Michael played with the butterflies at the pumpkin festal!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Michael and Chloe picked out his 1st pumpkin!!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Michael gets glasses!!! These are supposed to be indestructible, we'll see :o)
Michael's first word: Mama! He can also say "more" and "no".
13 mo, 9 mo adjusted!

Monday, October 4, 2010

I wish I was able to post a few new good pictures, but Michael's obsession with cameras, cell phone and remotes does not allow me to get a good shot :o)

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Our little cowboy!!

Michael Had a great time riding Albert the horse at Chloe's 5th Birthday Party!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Michael!!

Happy 1st Birthday Michael!!!

We thank God for your life everyday!

Saturday, August 28, 2010

9 days until Michael's Birthday, I think he is excited!!! I love those teeth!!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Grandpa & Michael!!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Michael is in love with the pool, we swim almost everyday!
Tomorrow he is going to be 11 months old (7mo adjusted)!! How far he has come in those 11 months is just amazing!
Eye update: No one wants to remove his cataract in fear of causing more damage. We are truly scared to have any more surgeries after what happened during the first one... waiting is fine with us.
Michael now has 4 teeth and they are sharp :o)
He is such a happy little boy, I thank God for his life everyday!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

10 1/2 mo (6 1/2 adjusted)

Michael has been doing great with sitting and starting to crawl, but he does get a bit frustrated. He now has two teeth and has been eating new big boy foods, I think he is done with baby food :o)
We did get a call from Bascom Palmer and were told they wanted us to come back down for one more opinion before his cataract surgery. His MRI results have now been seen by a team of neurologist, plastics and now one more pediatric opthamologist ... I love Bascom Palmer! The best part of this news is that they do think he has enough vision to preform the surgery!!

Friday, June 25, 2010

Michael's 1st tooth!!! So Cute!!!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Michael has a God given mohawk that everyone comments on. It really makes me smile and it sure fits his tough guy personality! Although he is a strong little boy, his sweet loving smile melts my heart!! We are so blessed.
15 lbs 10 oz and 27" long!! (5 1/2 mo adjusted/ 9 1/2 mo)

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Papi and Michael are having fun scaring mommy!

We had our follow up with the cardiologist on 6/11 and we were told Michael's PFO closed!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

We fall farther in love everyday!!
6/9 Michael got his 1st tooth!!
The last few weeks were a scary ride. We went to Miami to have Michaels cataract removed from his left eye, after being vented under anesthesia Dr. Berrocal informed us that she was unable to perform the surgery due to something pressing on his optic never. She was unsure what this was, but she told us it was between his eye and brain. So, we had to go back to ACH to have a MRI and Orbit C scan. This was done under anesthesia and ended up being a 13 hour ordeal. Well worth every minute to find out Michael did not have any masses or tumors!!! It was more damage to the very back of his eye, to the optic disk. Although this is not good, we already have come to terms with all the damage done to his left eye during the ROP surgery and just relieved that his brain is perfect. At this point we were only told the preliminary MRI results and are waiting for Dr. Berrocal to tell us what she thinks and what our next step is.